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Advertising in The Valley Diary
The Valley Diary is funded by our valued supporting advertisers. If you want to talk to us about partnership in this respect, in order to grow your business and help us to keep The Valley Diary going, please get in touch with David Mather, who looks after our new advertising.
Available Advert Sizes

Standard Portrait = 66mm high x 60mm wide, £175 per year (Mono), £210 (Colour)

Standard Landscape = 60mm high x 66mm wide, £175 per year (Mono), £210 (Colour)

Double Portrait = 130mm high x 60mm wide, £250 per year (Mono), £300 (Colour)

Double Landscape = 66mm high x 130mm wide, £250 per year (Mono), £300 (Colour)

Quarter Page Portrait = 130mm high x 90mm wide, £350 per year (Mono), £420 (Colour)

Quarter Page Letterbox = 66mm high x 180mm wide, £350 per year (Mono), £420 (Colour)

Half Page Landscape = 130mm high x 180mm wide, £650 per year (Mono), £780 (Colour)

Full Page = 260mm high x 180mm wide, £1,100 per year (Mono), £1,320 (Colour)

Front and Back Page is limited to 3 Quarter Page Letterbox adverts and priced by negotiation.


Colour in the Printed Edition is limited to Pages 1-6 and 19-24. Pages 7-18 in the Printed Edition is mono. The PDF version is created fully in colour, so even if you place a mono advert it's worth submitting your artwork in colour for those who view it via a PDF. If you want colour in the printed edition, see prices above - but please be aware that space is limited (and we have a waiting list for availability).



The preferred image format for finished artwork is JPEG, however, we can work with other formats if needed. Please be sure to send artwork by email directly to our Editor, Ted Salmon, at Please be sure to supply as high resolution as possible so that we can make sure your advert looks as clear as possible. If you need help with designing or creating your advert, please email Ted for help. There may be a charge for this service, depending on the amount of work involved.



© The Valley Diary 2019

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